Hello, I am

Sebastiano Armeli

Engineering Leader & Mentor

I am an experienced engineering leader who is currently working as a Director of Engineering at Upwork.
In the past, I have led multiple teams at big tech companies like Pinterest , Paypal , Snap , and Spotify .

I enjoy mentoring engineering managers and engineers looking to take their skills and careers to the next level.

I also enjoy speaking at tech conferences and I write on a Substack called The Healthy Engineering Leader.

In addition to my work with individuals, I enjoy chatting with & advicing startup founders (in the HR, Health Tech and Consumer space) and doing some Angel investing.

Seb's talk

About me.

Seb's talk

I am an engineering leader currently at Upwork where I work as a Director of Engineering leading the Mobile apps and Messagging org.
I have led teams in domains ranging from shopping and crypto to messaging, video creation, and ads at companies like Pinterest, Paypal, Snapchat, and Spotify.

Throughout my career, I have demonstrated a solid ability to manage large teams, prioritize initiatives, and drive technical excellence.

I enjoy mentoring engineering managers and engineers whether they are looking to develop their leadership skills, transition to management, or navigate complexities.

I enjoy writing and speaking about engineering management and leadership.

I like talking to startups about new ideas and possibly advise or invest in them.

I am very passionate about wellness and I am a big believer of using food as a medicine. With this mission in mind, I serve as a member of the Board of Directors of the Co-opportunity Market in Santa Monica,CA.


I believe mentorship is key for self-improvement. Everyone should ask for help to mentors or coaches. I share my experience and thoughts with mentees on different platforms:

MentorCruise logo

I offer mentoring sessions to engineers and engineering managers through the Mentorcruise platform. I did over 30 mentoring calls with average rating 5 / 5.

PlatoHQ logo

I did over 50 mentoring calls with average rating 10 / 10 in the last few years and I am available for the PlatoHQ mentee network.



I invest and provide advice for early-stage startups.

I adviced for a couple of years atUnifai logo

I am part of the Angel Squad atHustleFund logo

I made angel investments in companies such as InpharmD, MeCo Diagnoatics, parker and Endue

I am interested in talking to founders working on startups in the HR, Health Tech, Consumer and Generative AI space

Get in touch.

If you need a mentor or an advisor, feel free to reach out.